Honorary Status Appointment Information

This webpage provides information about Honorary Status appointments and Affiliate Status appointments.

Honorary Status is awarded in recognition of an individual’s contribution to teaching, research and scholarship in the College. The posts are non-stipendiary and will end on the expiry date unless an extension is approved by the Head of School following confirmation of your continuing contribution to the University.  Please see Honorary Status Additional Information for more information.

Affiliate Status is granted to individuals who are not directly employed by the University in a formal contractual capacity but may undertake roles of a temporary nature within the University for a period of time, Affiliate Status is typically for staff from other institutions, consultants, agency workers, sub-contractors or volunteers who require access to College or School IT systems or facilities.


Eligibility for Appointment

Affiliate Status

Affiliate Status is typically for staff from other institutions, consultants, agency workers, sub-contractors or volunteers who require access to College or School services or facilities, It is not necessary to formally contribute to teaching and/or research. Good reason for requiring access to University services must be provided.

The University's Code of Professional Conduct reflects the University's values and applies to all staff, affiliates and honorary appointment holders. Behaviour that is found to fall below the standards set out in the Code may lead to withdrawal of affiliate status.

Honorary Status

Candidates for all status titles (with the exception of Honorary Fellow and Honorary Clinical Fellows) will usually be making a substantial contribution to undergraduate or postgraduate teaching and/or research.

Honorary Status is awarded for a maximum of 5 years in the first instance.

a)  Honorary Professor
Honorary Professor applies to individuals engaged in clinical settings, industry, business and commerce, the arts, public administration, law and accountancy. Those appointed to Honorary Professorships will not normally be career academics, nor will they hold honorary or part- time appointments in higher education. The title of Honorary Professor may be conferred on individuals who are of sufficiently high academic or professional distinction that, were they University of Glasgow employees, they would be credible candidates for the award of a Personal Chair. There is the expectation that those appointed in this capacity will have several years of experience at the highest level in their field, and have achieved considerable distinction in their field - demonstrated for example by holding high office at a national level or Directorship of organisations with which the University has a close working relationship. This will also normally include experience of, and a demonstrated commitment towards, fostering excellence in education and/or research and to have a leadership role in education and/or research. There is an expectation that those appointed in this capacity will have a significant presence within the University, for example, delivering lectures and/or conducting seminars.


b) Visiting Professor

Visiting Professor applies to those who already hold a Chair (or equivalent) in another Higher Education Institution. There is an expectation that those appointed in this capacity will have a significant presence in the University, delivering lectures/seminars and collaborating in research activities.


c)  Honorary Fellow
Honorary Fellow is awarded to individuals who have made a special contribution to the strategic aims of the College, usually over a number of years but not excluding those who have made a significant contribution over a shorter period of time. The contribution may be in the field of industry, civic engagement, health, education, science or other relevant field.

d)  Honorary Clinical Associate Professor
Honorary Clinical Associate Professor may be conferred on those who satisfy the requirements applicable to Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer subject to a number of additional considerations. Those appointed in this capacity will normally be expected to demonstrate additional evidence of externally recognised national or international standing, enhancing individual and institutional reputation. Individuals will normally be expected to demonstrate successful leadership and management of a clinical group, and demonstrate the successful generation of clinical findings into impact outcomes that permits sustainable enhancement of existing or new services, research and/or the student experience.

e)  Honorary Associate Professor
Honorary Associate Professor may be conferred on those who satisfy the requirements applicable to Honorary Senior Lecturer subject to a number of additional considerations. Those appointed in this capacity will normally be expected to demonstrate additional evidence of externally recognised national or international standing, enhancing individual and institutional reputation. This will normally include experience of, and a demonstrated commitment towards fostering excellence in undergraduate and postgraduate education and/or research.

f)  Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer
Normally an NHS Consultant, Top Grade Scientist, Staff Grade, Associate Specialist who have been on the GP performers list for a minimum of five years. Individuals will usually be expected to demonstrate evidence of involvement in academic activities in addition to the delivery of teaching. Individuals will normally be eligible for consideration immediately on appointment.

g)  Honorary Senior Lecturer
This title may be conferred on a person who does not hold a clinical qualification. Honorary Senior Lecturers should contribute at an appropriately high level to teaching or research, or otherwise make a special contribution to the academic work of the University.

h)  Honorary Clinical Lecturer
Eligible individuals should hold a medical qualification e.g. specialist trainee or GP with less than five years experience, or dental qualification.  They must contribute to teaching or research at an appropriate level, or otherwise make a special contribution to the academic work of the University.

i)  Honorary Lecturer
This title may be conferred on a person who does not hold a medical or dental qualification. Honorary Lecturers must contribute to teaching or research at an appropriate level, or otherwise make a special contribution to the academic work of the University.

j)  Honorary Senior Research Fellow
This title is awarded to a senior member of staff (Senior Lecturer, Reader or Professor) or equivalent at the time of retirement from a stipendiary post if they are continuing to contribute to research and/or teaching.


k)  Honorary Clinical Teacher
Normally a Specialist Registrar or General Practitioner and other grades of staff in medicine and dentistry whose contribution is limited to the delivery of teaching or new appointees whose contribution cannot be readily assessed in advance. Other trainees (e.g. Visiting Registrars), with a National Training Number in a programme leading to CCST, will also be eligible for consideration. Individuals will be eligible for advancement to Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer if their contribution extends to academic activities beyond the delivery of clinical teaching. Such advancement will not normally be considered for 5 years.

l)  Honorary Research Fellow
Normally awarded to an individual in a post-doctoral appointment in recognition of a significant contribution to the research of the University.

m)  Honorary Research Assistant
Eligible individuals are usually graduates without doctoral status who are awarded status in recognition of a contribution to the research of the University in association with a senior supervisor.

n)  Honorary Clinical Fellow
Eligible individuals are usually Academic Foundation Trainees who are awarded status to allow access to University facilities during their two year academic rotation.



Holders of Honorary status are duty bound to inform the University of Glasgow of any proceedings against them by professional bodies. The University of Glasgow reserves the right to suspend or remove without notice any Honorary status which brings the University into disrepute.

How to apply

How to apply for Affiliate Status

An Affiliate Status registration form must be completed by the individual and sent to the appropriate School/Service area by a College staff member. If you are unsure of the appropriate School or Service area, please email mvls-honorary-applications@glasgow.ac.uk for advice.


How to apply for Honorary Status

Honorary Status is available in the following titles. Please read the eligibility criteria to ensure that your application is for the most appropriate title.

  • Honorary Professor
  • Visiting Professor
  • Honorary Fellow
  • Honorary Clinical Associate Professor
  • Honorary Associate Professor
  • Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer
  • Honorary Senior Lecturer
  • Honorary Clinical Lecturer
  • Honorary Lecturer
  • Honorary Senior Research Fellow
  • Honorary Research Fellow
  • Honorary Research Assistant
  • Honorary Clinical Fellow


Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer and below

  • Applications for titles up to and including Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer should be submitted via the web form.
  • In Step 3 of the form, you will be required to upload a CV.
  • In Step 5 of the form you will be asked to nominate an individual to provide a statement of support for your application. The applications system will contact them directly.
  • Once a statement of support is received, final approval is given by the appropriate Head of School.
  • Once approved, applications for Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer and below, as listed above, will be processed by the School and subsequently ratified by the Honorary Status Committee.


Honorary Associate Professor, Honorary Clinical Associate Professor and Honorary Fellow

  • Applications for Honorary Clinical Associate Professor (HCAP), Honorary Associate Professor (HAP) and Honorary Fellow are considered by the Honorary Status Committee. The Committee normally meets three times a year.
  • Nominations (or renewals) for HAP and HCAP should be sent to mvls-honorary-applications@glasgow.ac.ukand should include a CV and a short statement of contribution to teaching or research. Nominations may come from the Head of College or a Head of School. 
  • Nominations for Honorary Fellow should be addressed to the Chair of the Honorary Status Committee, and should include a CV and letter of support from a member of the College Management Group. This should then be sent to mvls-honorary-applications@glasgow.ac.uk.


Honorary Professor, Honorary Clinical Professor and Visiting Professor

  • Nominations (or renewals) for Honorary Professor, Honorary Clinical Professor and Visiting Professor should be made by a MVLS Head of School or equivalent College Management Group member. Nominations are considered by the MVLS College Management Group.
  • Please contact Elizabeth Ross-Adair (MVLS Executive Assistant) for details

Conditions of Appointment

  1. All Honorary appointments are for a maximum period of five years in the first instance and will expire at the end date unless an extension is approved by the relevant approval body (see ‘How to apply’ above) confirming your continuing contribution to the University.

  2. The appointment will lapse at the end of the five year period or upon retirement. The appointment may also lapse on resignation from the post to which it is related, or if there is a significant change in the responsibilities of the post.

  3. The University's Code of Professional Conduct reflects the University's values and applies to all staff, affiliates and honorary appointment holders. Behaviour that is found to fall below the standards set out in the Code may lead to withdrawal of honorary status. The University of Glasgow reserves the right to suspend or remove without notice any Honorary status which brings the University into disrepute. Holders of Honorary status are duty bound to inform the University of Glasgow of any proceedings against them by professional bodies.

Contact us

For queries about Honorary or Affiliate Status, please contact mvls-honorary-applications@glasgow.ac.uk.