Sonopill Exhibit DSC

Sonopill in Parliament

Sonopill in the Press

Endoscopy Workshop 2018
Future of Minimally Invasive Endoscopy Workshop 2018, 5th September

Science For A Successful Nation
The Sonopill team exhibited at EPSRC's Science for a Successful Nation 2018
Public Engagement
19 JulThe Sonopill team recently had a preview of the new endoscopy exhibit the programme had sponsored at the Dundee Science Centre .
29 Mar
MRS Meet the Researcher 2018
The Sonopill team attended this year's MRS Meet the Researcher event at Glasgow Science Centre -
23 Jan
Science For A Successful Nation
The Sonopill team presented their work at the EPSRC Science for a Successful Nation showcase. -
15 Mar
MRS Meet the Researcher 2017
Staff and students from the Sonopill Programme participated in Medical Research Scotland's 2017 Meet the Researcher events at Dundee and Glasgow Science Centres.
14 Dec
Sonopill Ends
On the 27th of November the Sonopill programme ended, but the academics and research team continue to work towards a swallowable ultrasound capsule. -
03 Aug
Second Capsule Endoscopy Workshop
Following on from last year's successful event in Edinburgh, this year we were in central Glasgow. Once more bringing together Clinicians and Engineers to discuss technical developments and plan implementation of new capsule and minimally invasive endoscopic techniques. -
19 Jul
ESOF 2018 Toulouse
Invited to represent the UK by EPSRC, Sonopill attended the EuroScience Open Forum in Toulouse -
07 Jun
EPSRC Staff Day
The Sonopill team were invited to attend EPSRC's Staff Day