Welcome to Chemistry Stores

Opening hours
Monday to Thursday: 8:00am - 4:30pm
Fridays: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Contact details
Finlay Smith - Stores Manager
Finlay.Smith@glasgow.ac.uk ex 4388
Karen McLachlan - Stores Assistant
Karen.McLachlan@glasgow.ac.uk ex 4388
Chemistry Accounts / Financial Transactions Hub
Chemistry Stores catalogue
Agresso access
Waste disposal
Stores waste disposal
Waste solvents, silica, alumina and sharps can be taken to Stores for disposal between 8am and 3pm, alongside a completed waste disposal form
Waste disposal form for solvents, silica, alumina and sharps
How can I dispose of unwanted chemicals?
Gas cylinders
Gas cylinder charges
In addition to the cost of a cylinder, you will be charged a monthly rental fee of £8.50 for all full and part months the cylinder is in use.
Have you tagged all your cylinders?
All cylinders in the School MUST be labelled with a unique tag for fire safety regulations:
- If you are taking a cylinder as a new allocation, Stores staff will issue a new tag number.
- When swapping an empty cylinder with a full one, move the tag onto the new cylinder.
- If you no longer require a certain cylinder, return the numbered tag to Stores staff when you return the cylinder.
Please speak to Stores staff if you would like any clarification.
A gas cylinder order form should be completed using details from the table below for all new and returned cylinders. Please note new prices as of 1st January 2023:
Catalogue Code | Description | Unit Size | Unit Price Ex VAT |
GAS-CO2 | Carbon Dioxide (VK size) | cyl | 63.76 |
GAS-AIR | Air (W size) | cyl | 8.58 |
GAS-ARG | Argon (E-50 size) | cyl | 25.61 |
GAS-HEL | Helium grade A (XL size) | cyl | 292.29 |
GAS-HYD | Hydrogen (K size) | cyl | 18.71 |
GAS-OFN | Nitrogen (D-50 size) | cyl | 7.68 |
GAS-OXY | Oxygen (E-50 size) | cyl | 8.26 |
GAS-RENTAL | Cylinder rental charges | monthly | 8.50 |
Dry ice and liquid nitrogen
If you need dry ice or liquid nitrogen, a dry ice/liquid nitrogen form should be completed using details from the table below and submitted to Stores.
Please note that dry ice orders should be submitted at least 48 hours in advance.
Catalogue Code | Description | Unit size | Unit Price (Ex VAT) |
L/173/02 | Dry ice pellet form | 1 bag | £4.63 |
LIQ.NIT | Liquid nitrogen charges | per litre | £0.41 |
Assets and 'attractive' items
The University requires that items valued at £1000 or more, or 'attractive' items (computer components, video recorders, televisions and other items liable to be stolen), should be recorded in an Asset Register.
When you place an order you should automatically receive an Asset Registration Form and if you dispose of an item previously on the asset register you should complete an Equipment Transfer (doc) This form should also be completed if you intend to keep an item of equipment at home (such as a laptop).
Please note that items taken outwith University of Glasgow premises will not be covered by University of Glasgow insurance and therefore you should ensure that you have adequate home insurance to cover these items.
Any questions please contact a member of the Accounts staff.